3 poems found in the notes app on my phone

 1. Inexplicable Sensations

Like a dog, maybe,

I get hotspots

Parts of my body that ache

Or feel chafed

Feel sore to the touch

Or stiff to move


This odd sensitivity 

Defies all sense

No doctors know

No one understands

"Don't touch that!"

My body is not mine

It hurts

Who is this really?

2. And Yet

and yet another dreary morning

straying from the charted path

and lost in a blue-lipped haze

despite the dedicated climbing

despite the strict limitations

feet on the narrow course upward

eyes trained on prescribed footprints

and yet during the nightmare night

arms flailed and legs fell and

my entire body spiraled downhill

in a feast of tumbling tremors

waking in that dreaded ditch again

coated in wet sludge and thorns

unrecognizable, a masked shell

on yet another dreary morning

once again, once again

3. Star Light, Star Bright

I lay at the bottom of a ravine

A think trickle of cold water on my back,

Sharp stones lodged into my neck

But I feel nothing

I am weightless

My arms are comet tails floating

Up to meet their brothers and sisters --

Light constellations hanging in the sky

If I can reach them

And dissolve this body

My mind will hang onto a star point

And burn with a sparkling heat --

A purple winking pinwheel of freedom


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